Opening Hours
- Monday Party for 20 or more
- Tuesday Party for 20 or more
- Wednesday 10:30-2:00 and 4:00-8:00
- Thursday 10:30-2:00 and 4:00-8:00
- Friday 10:30-2:00 and 4:00-8:00
- Saturday 10:30-2:00 and 4:00-8:00
- Sunday Party for 20 or more
My name is Tina (Monge) Kraft, I am the granddaughter of John (Babs) and Lillis Monge. I grew up in the small town of Roanoke, IL. My greatest memories are from my childhood and being raised in our small town. My grandfather and grandmother opened Monge’s Club 116 from 1950 until 1975. Along the way my grandfather had help from his brother (Great Uncle Bob), my Father Myron Monge and Uncle Alan Monge. My great aunt Mag would be at the head of the table in the kitchen with Great Grandma Monge making the homemade noodles, ravioli and tortellini. Aunt Mag was absolutely the best at making Monge’s Spaghetti sauce. I can still envision her laughter and love she had for everyone that walked through the kitchen doors and made sure they had a full tummy. My grandfather had many recipes from his grandmother and grandfather that came here from Northern Italy in the early 1900’s. I remember as a child the huge garden that we all shared. Making fresh pasta, pasta sauce and canning many vegetables. As a child, growing up our family shared wonderful meals that my grandmother and Aunt Mag would make for all our family. I have found tremendous enjoyment and love for cooking. My husband Kyle and I wanted to bring back that wonderful food that everyone in my hometown enjoyed during that era. My Father Myron Monge still continues to make Spaghetti sauce every week. From our family to yours, we thank you for the outpour of love and appreciation for our food since we have opened. We will continue to serve you great food made with lots of love and a smile.
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber
National dish of Malaysia: coconut rice, fried anchovies, cucumber